Sketchup Model 1

These are the sketch up models that I made based on my drawings of my chosen clients which are GUCCI and CJ Hendry.

Their products which impressed me are:

CJ Hendry Waffles drawing:

Gucci Anger Forest single earring with Bull's head

The three words for each clients are:

Here are my 18 sketches:

1.Above: pierce
Below: crispy

2. Above : bars
Below: crispy

3. Above: bars
Below : lost

4. Above: bars
Below: pierce

5. Above: bars
Below: rustic

6. Above: bones
Below : bars

7. Above: bones
Below: rustic

8. Above: crispy
Below: bones

9. Above: crispy
Below: pierce

10. Above: rustic
Below: crispy

11. Above: lost
Below: bones

11. Above: lost
Below: crispy

12. Above: lost
Below: pierce

13. Above: pierce
Below: bones

14. Above: pierce
Below: rustic

15. Above: crispy
Below: rustic

16. Above: rustic
Below: lost

17. Above: bars
Below: bones

18. Above: bones
Below: bars

Above is for Gucci
Below is for CJ Hendry

Side view:
 Top view:
 Close up view:

My buildings are inspired by my abstract sketches. Here is the scanned pictures of my drawings:

Above: rustic
Below: lost


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